Herbal Medicine Tinctures

Mind Body and Spirit Natural Health 

Natural Health Practitioner Dip Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is the use of plants (herbs) to treat disease and enhance wellbeing. Herbal medicine is used to treat a range of disorders.Herbs can act on the body as powerfully as pharmaceutical drugs and need to be treated with care and must be administered by a herbalist or herbal therapist.

Lesa Terry is certified in a Dip. Herbal Medicine and affiliated with Health Associations and fully accredited.

All herbal tinctures, tablets, creams and dried herbs are purchased through TGA approved practitioner graded suppliers.

All purchases of herbal products require a consultation with Lesa for safety and to ensure a high standard of professional care and information.

Contact Lesa for a consultation and be guided by her professional experience, wisdom and intuitive ability into the body health and wellbeing.

Local (Coffs Harbour ) pick up is available contact via email to place orders and arrange pick up.