Rosehip Iced Tea Benifits

shutterstock_183239423Rosehip Iced tea

Rosehip is loaded with goodness and one of my favourite Teas if you are looking to boost yourself and glow Rosehip is known to to be loaded with 18 minerals and 14 vitamins Vit C,A,D,E, Essential fatty acids 3/6 Antioxidants, flavonoids, iron, copper and cobalt. Its a great sweet tasting tea.

shutterstock_39915424 Summer Time Rose Hip Iced Tea

A great tasting refreshing that the whole family will love its bright red colour will delight the children it is refreshing and full of healthy benefits.

Health drink option-Boil the kettle add hot water to a large tea pot with 1-2 tablespoons of Rosehip Tea.Refrigerate until cold add mint ,lemon, or a little honey for the children if required. Rosehip is a sweet tasting flavour and a great way for children to get minerals and vitamins.


Lovers Blend The Power To Attract

shutterstock_172236215Lovers Blend Essential Oils 



Would you like to know a little secret on how to create attraction in a room by exciting and tantalising the smell receptors of others? I attended my usual hot yoga class but on this morning I happened to use an old essential oil blend that I had not used for years so I applied it knowing that it was a great deodorant. When I arrived at the studio I had everyone looking at me and they all started to ask who has that fragrance its amazing, I slowly raised my hand and said its my essential oil blend as they all gathered closer to smell they started asking me, can I get one of those blends, I giggled as I remembered that it was actually not only a great deodorant but its called the Lovers Blend as it also works as an aphrodisiac which I had forgotten as I sprinkled a few drops on myself before I ran out the door.I would also like to note as the room heated up the beautiful smell when through out the entire room and everyone commented on the amazing smell and everyone wanted a blend.Why I know it works because every yoga class I sprinkle a little rosemary and peppermint to wake me up and create circulation I would get a comment or two like whats that nice smell you have on but with the Lover blend the smell excited and stimulated an attraction that was above and beyond other comments and defiantly created attraction.


Refreshing Iced Tea

Iced Tea


White Tea-

Make a pot of white tea by adding 2 tablespoons to a teapot of boiling water cool off in the refrigerator when cool add to bigger jug of cold water and add orange or lemon slices and mint.

Green Tea-

Make a pot of Green tea by adding 2 tablespoons to a teapot of boiling water cool off in the refrigerator when cool add to bigger jug of cold water with slices of green apple and strawberries (fresh or frozen).

Lymphatic Detox Tea-

Make a pot of Lymphatic tea by adding 2 tablespoons to a teapot of boiling water cool off in the refrigerator when cool add to bigger jug of cold water and add slices of lemon/ lime mint and if you would like to sweeten a tea add quarter of a tea spoon of natural honey.

Pregnancy and Labour


shutterstock_215886325Essential Oils For Pregnancy  

This weeks Question from a client -I was wondering if you did massage oils to help during labour and to possibly help bring on labour (like clary sage etc). I’ve been induced 6 times and not wanting to be induced again with this bub.

Answer-Yes we have clary sage and there is also a great blend that you can use which is, Lavender,Geranium and Clary Sage blend together essential oils equal parts and then add 10drops to a 50 -100 ml carrier oil.Hope this was a helpful tip blessings from Shine Herbs.

Essential Oils Heavenly Home Aromas


Why Use Essential Oil ?

Does your home smell of heavenly Aromas all day long? Well if you would like your home to have a secret of always smelling fresh clean and sustaining a great atmosphere to enrich your family then Essential Oils are the answer.

What Is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is one of the most popular and widely used complementary therapies. Essential Oils are highly concentrated plant components and have been used for more than 6000 year by the Ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks and by Chinese and Indian healers as a part of Ayurveda medicine.

How Does Aromatherapy Work?

Science has found that the smell receptors in our nose communicate with parts of the brain the hippocampus & amygdala that serve as storehouses for emotions and memories. When you breathe in essential oil molecules parts of the brain are stimulated and influence physical emotional and mental health. Some researches suggest that molecules from essential oils may interact in the blood with hormone or enzymes.

How Do I Use Essential Oils?

Essential oils can be used topically or added to diffusers, or the bath most recipes only requiring a few drops for maximum effect. Essential oils are not to be applied directly to your skin for best results a good high quality therapeutic graded oil can be added to face and body creams and or any carrier oils like jojoba, coconut, almond, avocado, olive or macadamia any natural product blends well with essential oils.You can also add essential oils to you existing shampoo or conditioner bottles or mix up spray bottles containing water and suitable oils to use on home furnishings like carpet,rugs wardrobes,bedding,car to freshen the air.few drops of lavender on a pillow is a wonderful way to help restful sleep.There are many uses for essential oils in the home to sanitise,soothe the soul and heal the family.

The Lymphatic System

Shine herbs Lymphatic Herbal Tea.

Did you know?
The Lymphatic System and Immune System assists in circulating body fluids and helps defend the body against disease causing agents. The Lymphatic Systems primary functions are, draining excess interstitial fluid
Transporting dietary lipids
Carry out immune responses.
It is most important to help cleanse,clear and support the lymphatic system for the benefit of your everyday health.
Below is a picture of the lymphatic system.shutterstock_307275764

Lymphatic Herbal Tea aids the body in cleansing and elimination of fluid retention and toxic elimination.

Cleavers (Galium Aparine) Known to aid as a cleansing tonic for lymphatic system, urinary tract, blood and intestines, and is ideal for relieving stress. An excellent cleansing tonic that purifies the lymphatic system and urinary tract, cleavers removes toxins form the blood and intestines. Cleavers also makes a refreshing drink, cooling when feverish and cleansing of the scalp for itching and dandruff and other skin problems. This herb is also a good stress reliever and anti inflammatory in prostate conditions.

Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) China This plant is known as a powerful antioxidant properties aids in fat loss stimulates brain function and is more powerful than Vitamin C & E in halting oxidative damage to cells and has other disease fighting properties and lowers the risk of cancer. Studies have found consuming green tea reduced the risk for several cancers including skin, lung, colon oesophageal and bladder, lowers LDL cholesterol and increases the risk of heart disease.

Nettle Tea (Urtica Dioica) Known to aid as a diuretic blood purification, allergies, diabetes, endocrine disorders and poor circulation. The stinging nettle has also been known and called the irrigation therapy herb for urinary tract infections, inflammation kidney stones enlarged spleens, prostate and night time urination especially aiding when too frequent or to painful, inability to urinate or the irritable bladder.

Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale) Known to aid liver disorders, toxic elimination and as a duretic. This herbs being rich in calcium protects the bones promotes urination of water weight, stimulates liver function promoting digestion bile flow. Stimulates production of insulin from the pancreas keeping blood sugar low increases urination in diabetic patients helping to remove sugar deposition in the kidneys and urinary system. It is also a detoxifier diuretic stimulant antioxidant for the treatment of acne.

Calendula (Calendula Officinalis) This herb is well known for its ability to aid detoxifying and aids in cleansing the lymphatic system, reduces lymphatic congestion and swollen lump glanda. Aids in the stimulation of the immune system and is a wonderful herb for the digestive system, aiding in the soothing of gastritis and ulcers and reduces inflammation of the stomach and bowls.

Heather (calluna valgaris) Is known to aid in reducing of fluid retention in the bladder and is excellent to aid in the process of gastrointestinal cleansing, detoxifying of uric acid from the body. This herb is known to have also been used to aid in the treatment of menopause, enlarged prostate, kidney, bladder, and liver infections.

Directions-For first time users or individuals with sensitive stomachs,begin with half a teaspoon and gradually increase.Steeping time and desired strength of taste can gradually increase with use up to 1-2 teaspoons, 1-2 x cups per day.

Disclaimer please talk to your doctor if you have any medical conditions or are taking any medication before use of products.

Summer Season Insect Repellent Essential Oils

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Summer time is here and we are all aware of the bugs and insects that come with those hot summer nights.There are many essential oils, known for being excellent natural insect repellents.

shutterstock_287162321Shine Herbs Insect repellent recipe Citronella 20 drops, lemon 10 drops, spearmint 10 drops, peppermint 10 drops, Eucalyptus 5 drops into spray bottle fill with water.Here you have a natural Insect repellent also can be used for lice and flea repellent.

Here are just some of the oils you can use for insect repellent Citronella, Clove, Lemongrass, Lemon spearmint, Cedar wood, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Cedar, Catnip, Lavender, Peppermint, Basil, Rose Geranium, Cinnamon Oil, Thyme, Lemon, Orange, Pine needles.

Oil burner method, Oil burner ,water and 3-4 drops, of your favourite essential oil from the list above.

Spray bottle (1L) fill with water, 10-20 drops of 3 or 4 essential oils. I personally love citronella,rosemary ,peppermint,Tea tree, Lemon and Lavender.

Tip- Spike Lavender is excellent for itchy mosquito bites its stops the itch straight away.
Tip- Avoid  Lemon grass on the skin.
